Wednesday 5 December 2012

Marcus Harvey - Myra Analysis.

When we opened into the next project we looked at a piece of work from Marcus Harvey, we looked specifically at his Myra Hindley piece. We went into a depth analysis on where the image used originated and how the image was drafted and created. The image at first was assumed to be a mugshot, but after looking at it for longer we realised there was nothing in the background and she was not holding or suggesting she was holding a board. So we looked at the colours used, and we noticed that it was a black and white and the newspapers used around the time of the moores murders were only printed in black and white. Which suggested that the image was taken from the newspapers. The fact the image was also pixelated gave us certainty that the image was a newpaper based image.

Looking closer at the pixels of the painting we noticed each pixel was made from a child's handprint, which sinisterly yet openly links to the moores murders. The way he did this is he had a cast of a child's handprint and then used this to paint the image.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

My final idea (:

I decided to use shadows and work with the destruction of fuels, destroying over things, hence the fact if i make a shadow and then burn the object making the shadow, not only would the shape of the object change, so would the shadow.
This idea was generated through 2 artists called Tim Noble and Sue Webster. They worked with junk, they would carefully and thoughtfully place the junk in different poses/pisitions and then when a light would be shined on them, the shadow would appear on the wall behind them.

I would do this using my resources, and then once lit the shadow wall change aswell as the object im burning. And i would photograph the stages of this process and make a timeline almost like the time today where we are using the resource up in everyday life!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

A final outcome for the enviroment project.

When i was deciding what to do for my final outcome for the first project, i needed to create an object or series of objects which would give the audience a message or an idea of a message i was trying to get across.

Before deciding on my final piece i had to go away and research into a specific enviromental problem, and in my case i was looking at the fact, that we are over using fossill fuels and they are not replacable, so while taking a deeper look into that problem i had to find something which i could base my work around.
I looked into the fact that Asia uses almost 67% of total coal usage alone, followed by the US and then Russia. So i started to think that maybe i should look into them countrys and the fact that they use so much coal and maybe incorporate that into my final outcome. I wanted to work with coal, so i started thinking maybe go and create a small scale map of some of them countrys and then ignite it, so that once the coal has burnt through you would not be able to tell that it was previously a map of Asia/Russia. I did not know how to incorporate america into the map without missing half the world, so then i decided to take a look at what links these countries. Then i thought of travel and the fact that they would trade and transport around the world to eachover.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Drawing with Obstruction

When it came to drawing some of the combine's that I made I needed to try and make my work link to artists like Frank Auerbach, Barbara Hepworth, Georg Baselitz, Eva hess, so I decided to try drawing in gestural form,  this also made it look rushed and fast paced because I tried drawing it with my left hand, changing my grip, not being able to see my drawing and continous lined drawings. I did all this in a timed enviroment taking between 1 and 5 minutes on each piece. And I came up with come different results.

First project breakdown

For my first project I was looking at creating combines and sculptors, and how they express meanings in different ways to different people. So the first artist I looked at was Robert Rauschenberg and his combine " Coca Cola Plan " and how that indicates a message to the audience. After looking at that combine and another combine, i decided to go out and find my own objects to create a combine of my own. So i took a pre-determined journey and looked for any items that i could use that would help me show thoughts and history to the audience. I found this difficult as the journey i took was quite busy and had very little usefull scraps. The reason i was looking mainly at scrap objects and found materials is because when Robert Rauschenberg created his combines in the 1950's they were stil rather rationed, and could not simply go to the store and purchase any materials he needed, so he would take a local journey or maybe a further journey sometimes and find his materials. So to get a feel of how he had to do it, I decided to do a journey aswell.